The international MSc Information Technology was invited by the Welcome Service of the Region Stuttgart to partcipate in an information session that took place on 26-Sep-2019:
Arbeit im Wandel: Neue Wege zur Gewinnung und Bindung internationaler IT-Fachkräfte und Studierender
We had the opportunity to present our study program to many SME companies and highlight its practical relevance for the Information Technology Society. We also promoted our extracurricular offerings such as dorm facilities and German language courses for free that attract IT students, our future IT experts, and support them to integrate the labor market especially in the region but also worldwide. The importance of funding in form of e.g. prizes and awards was also highlighted in order to continuously increase the program attractiveness and offer additional incentives for outstanding qualifications.
During the podium discussion, active students as well as a PhD student from the institute of telecommunications provided testimonials and described the reasons why they joined INFOTECH and their plans for the future career.
We received thoroughly a positive feedback and many proposals for networking and funding.
Sincere thanks to all participants who contributed to the succes of the participation!
Emna Eitel
INFOTECH Course Director