This year's International Days of Faculty 5 were all about international mobility.
Numerous students at our faculty are generally interested in a stay abroad, but only a few of them actually take the step of going abroad to a partner university for one or two semesters. However, there is no better time to do so than during your studies and the hurdles are low. Several items on the program of the fourth International Days of Faculty 5 were therefore dedicated to this topic and the aim of closing knowledge gaps and reducing reservations.
In short information sessions at lunchtime, students were informed about funding opportunities and the application process for Erasmus+, partner universities were presented and questions were answered. At an International Study Fair, students from Faculty 5 were able to talk to exchange students from our partner universities in person, gain insights into life as an exchange student in different countries and get to know selected partner universities directly.
The International Days could be carried out thanks to the great support of various persons: first and foremost our (exchange) students of Faculty 5 and our student councils/groups as well as the colleagues of the International Office and the entire Faculty 5 internationalization team.
Special thanks go to the former Vice-Rectorate for Diversity and International Affairs for the financial support of Faculty 5's Indian Night.
The International Days of Faculty 5 now take place once a year (winter semester) and are organized by the International Service Point (ISP) of the Faculty in close cooperation with the Internationalization Officer of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Virginie Herbasch, as well as various other actors of the Faculty/University.
With this series of events we want to...
- create a framework for international and German students, academics and other interested parties from the faculty to come together;
- provide information about exchange opportunities abroad;
- help international students settle in and facilitate access to the local culture;
- introduce new partner universities and cooperation projects and report on further developments in the Faculty's international cooperation.
Contact: International Service Point (ISP) Faculty 5 | email | website