Many of you are asking us how classes are going to take place in this winter semester. At least for the lectures which are either compulsory such as AHM, or recommended for the first semester, we provide here an overview with links to the corresponding modules on C@mpus. You will also find a link to the corresponding institutes' website with relevant news/articles.
Please note that except for AHM which is compulsory, the remaining modules are optional and are recommended in case students have deficits or knowledge gaps in the considered subject. This might be the case if for example students have a background in exclusively computer science or in electrical engneering.
Please make sure to register for the classes on C@mpus if interested and to always check the up-to-date modality (onsite/online), as some of the room assignments might still be preliminary.
If you will not be able to join us on time, please inform your lecturers accordingly in order to figure out fallback options, if possible, i.e. there's no guaranty that online classes/recordings will be provided. Lecturers will however do their best to allow for a trouble-free start in the semester!
Module Title with Link to C@mpus | ECTS Credits, compulsory/elective | Link to Institute's Website | Feedback from lecturer |
Advanced Higher Mathematics | 6, compulsory | IDSR |
Lectures online via Webex, synchronously Exercise classes in presence |
Computer Architecture and Organization | 6, elective | ITI |
Lectures in presence Exercices: group 1: synchrounously online group 2: in presence refer to detailed description in C@mpus |
Operating Systems | 6, elective | IAAS | in presence |
Communications | 6, elective | INÜ | online with possibility to meet the lecture. See Institute's link |
Electronic Circuits | 3, elective | INT | in presence |
Radio Frequency Technology: Introduction | 3, elective | IHF | in presence |
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!