Selection Process

Information about the two-stage selection process

The selection process is divided into two stages.

  • Academic Entry Requirements
  • Formal Entry Requirements

General Information on Selection Rules

The main selection criterion is your GPA in relation to other candidates from the same university, the country and the world. Other information provided, as well as information from our knowledge base (regarding applications and students), may be taken into consideration as well.
English language proficiency is a legal prerequisite. It is a one that is either fulfilled or not. Having a higher score than needed does not provide an advantage.
The non-availability of a Bachelor degree certificate during the process, as well as temporary transcripts are not used as criteria for selection. Gender and nationality do not play a role for selection.

Application Status in C@MPUS

  • All application data and documents are sent by C@MPUS to the INFOTECH Admission Commission for evaluation. The Commission evaluates the applications and applicants are informed about the status of their application (admitted or application not accepted/not successful) via C@MPUS.

  • The C@MPUS data will beupdated to reflect these findings. The symbols in “Admission” will reflect your application status. Not all document-related fields will be updated. So, a statement like "uploaded" vs "ok" does not mean the document has not been read and taken into consideration. Usually, only the document fields “Bachelor Degree Certificate”, “Transcripts of Records”, “Proof of English Language Skills” and the field for APS will be updated.

C@mpus may show:

  • Academic Entry AND Formal Entry Requirements: Fulfilled means: You are admitted
    • With full/final documents received
      Application Documents: Complete
      → All fields Bachelor Degree Certificate, Transcript of Records, Proof of English Language Skills show an O.K
    • With one or all documents on a temporary level
      Application Documents: Provisional Complete
      → One or all the fields: Bachelor Degree Certificate, Transcript of Records, show "Submit by End of eg. WS 202*/2*" 
  • The status Academic Entry Requirements: Not Fulfilled means: You are Not Admitted (see published application requirements)
  • The status Academic Entry Requirements: Unknown means: You are Not Admitted (you have not been successful in competition with others for the available seats. The status of your documents, supplied or not, did not play a role.)
  • Only with Academic Entry Requirements: Fulfilled, does the Admission Commission checks for the Formal Entry Requirements

The selection process is summarized in the table below:

Academic Entry Requirements Formal Entry Requirements Result
Fulfilled Fulfilled Admitted
Fulfilled Not Fulfilled Not Admitted
 Not Fulfilled - Not Admitted

Legal Base

The (negative) decision of the Admission Commission is based on regulations:

  • State University Law of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Hochschulgesetz) §59(1)
  • Hochschulvergabeverordnung§20(1), §20(3)
  • Zulassungsverordnung
  • Admission Regulation INFOTECH, University of Stuttgart (Zulassungsverordnung) §2(1a), §2(2)

Notification on Acceptance

All applicants, who are proposed by the Admission Commission for admission to the rector will receive notification. Official acceptance will be confirmed via C@MPUS

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