
Address and directions




E-Mail for application purposes ONLY:
E-Mail for requests to the exam commission:

Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 47
Building ETI II - 2.363
70569 Stuttgart

The INFOTECH Office is located on the second floor of building ETI II, from the INÜ library walk down corridor beside stairs and then turn right when you reach the elevators.


Public Transportation

The Vaihingen campus of the university (Universität) can be reached by "S-Bahn" (rapid transit) lines S1, S2 and S3 from the main railway station "Hauptbahnhof" (direction Herrenberg, Vaihingen, Filderstadt or Flughafen) and by lines S2 and S3 from airport "Flughafen" (any train). Travel time is 10min. and 17min. respectively.

Buses no. 82, 84 and 92 connect the campus to the surrounding suburbs. Buses no. 746, 747 and 748 connect the campus to the Sindelfingen/Leonberg area. The night bus N1 connects downtown Stuttgart to the campus on Friday and Saturday night only.

Having reached the S-Bahn Station University (Universität), get off the S-Bahn station in the direction of driving (if coming from the airport) or opposite (coming from 'Hauptbahnhof'). Then simply follow this route to INFOTECH Office. The distance is about 100m (300 feet).

For further information about timetables look on the pages of Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart (VVS) (local transport company) or make use of the following embedded services.


Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart (VVS)

By Car

From A8 (motorway from Karlsruhe or Munich) leave A8 at the junction with A831 (Autobahnkreuz Stuttgart-Vaihingen), continue on A831 direction downtown Stuttgart (Stuttgart-Mitte).

Take exit "Universität", turn left at the traffic lights to enter on 'Universitätsstraße'. Then take a sharp right after the large map-display of the university to Pfaffenwaldring. Follow sign 'Pfaffenwaldring 9, 11' to second road left (number 2 on map). Parking lots are marked with a white "P" on blue square. The upper parking lot is a public one, the lower left-hand has a barrier and is open from 9:30 a.m. Then simply follow this route to INFOTECH Office. The distance is 100 to 200m (300 to 600 feet).


By Plane

In the basement floor of the airport of Stuttgart, there is the station of S-Bahn trains. Buy a ticket for 2 zones and exit at the station Universität. Further instructions are listed in section Public Transportation.

Contact us



Pfaffenwaldring 47 , 70569 Stuttgart, Germany


International Service Point (ISP) – Faculty 5

Pfaffenwaldring 47 , 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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